Saturday, February 21


I was going to talk about how I tend to talk along rabbit trails, and less ramble, and how maybe I should change my name? But nope, everyone else has the names I want, so it stays the comfortable electronic ramble.

So right now I'm on an account called Ikariam, it is a random thing I stumbled that's like managing a town....its different and just a time consumer....

Thinking know its so hard to think when people are talking at you. Which is like talking to you except that you aren't even showing interest in what they're saying and they're still talking. hmmm

College prep. is the pits. Being a homeschooler makes it horrible to try to get into college. Ridiculous stuff you have to do just to get into a college. I hate it. Makes my whole day messy.

Oh we have been watching Jon and Kate plus eight for a few days now, it's almost addicting, which is weird, b/c its like watching someone's home's almost creepy. lol

But I do enjoy it, despite its creepy thinking/sounding-ness.

I am drained for some reason. Maybe it was the hope that I finally was able to find a college that wouldn't be to hard to get into, and it looked like it had a major I might do well in.

OH, btw, I'm now thinking about going into engineering instead of Architecture, because my mind naturally thinks in the engineer's way. I want to know how things are put together, and if I can take it apart I will....along with the fact I automatically think of how the product could have been improved on. Mostly how things function. So yeah, that's an addition to my life.

Oh and I'm going to be babysitting again right after Church Planters, starting wednesday. So I'll be getting an income again, hopefully enough to pay for camp this year, + being able to have some money left over for other things, like paying for my bed that i want for my new room after it's done, which im having rebelling issues over as I really dont want to go prime anymore. As I said, rebelling issues. On my part. :P

I'm listening to Skillet, the older I get right now, and......yeah i guess I just assed that in order to say something, as I'm out of things to say, I'm still drained, and I don't feel like being awake anymore. Which is a bad combo. Depression? Idk, ?I hope tomorrow and Church Planters will help me with perspective.


Over and out.

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