Sunday, February 8


So this inspiration is from...drumroll please.......

Brain Morris! Woot!

Lol no seriously, most of my blogs have a mention of him in it, don't they? I guess I'm just really thankful to be in his posse. :)

So, the subject of touching. Some people thinks it's creepy, others annoying, others essential.

For me, I suppose my view changes from person to person. It only matters to me what they think of it. If they consider touching to be a bonding thing, then I play along.

If they're some kind of germ-o-phob. or just don't like touching, there's no point in making them freak.

I guess I enjoy just making people comfortable in their own skin. That's one of my goals I of my subconscious goals. You know, those kind that have been programmed into you? The one's you have no idea how they got there, but you have to look way far down into yourself to put a name to them? Yeah, that kind of goal.

That's why, I guess, I don't really approach people unless I know they either:
  1. Don't care
  2. Don't mind
  3. Want me to be a part of their life
I tend to get the first one more often than the last. But, of course, I have been known to see myself in a weird light before, but I think that's how it goes with most people.

Oh! I just remembered! We're going to Lookout Mountain for summer camp! It's beautiful up there, so I'm pretty happy. I hope most of my friends go.

I don't know what else to say, so I guess I'm going to go for the night. Hope you all had a good Sunday!

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