Monday, February 9

Surprise Blog

Ok, so I've already done my 1 post for the day, but I went cruising around blogger and it AMAZES me how often you come across people cussing. It's ridiculous! I'm pretty sure I knew this already, but goodness-double-gracious do you have to speak in cussish???

I guess I need to get out more often, but it's a total weird-out when all of your friends are Christians with relatively healthy minds, and then you go read some of the junk that's posted on this site. I guess I'm being judgmental. hmmm.

It's so hard to read that stuff though and not wonder why? Why is that "just what you say"? And the content of this stuff too....I was just reading girls' posts, but it's pretty much the same stuff over and over. Cat-fights and not trusting people, and if it's not that, it's about guys and flirting...seriously, is that all that they're doing in their lives?

I suppose it might have to do with the ages of the girls, but as I don't know their ages, I can't say for sure.

Please excuse my rant. I needed to get that out of my system....

What makes you stand in wonder at our present culture?

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