Thursday, April 30

The random funness of having fun friends...

So I guess I'm obsessed with spontaneity at the moment, and the latest occurrence is one of my Facebook friends finding an option on Facebook that will change your language to PIRATE!!

This is freakin' hilarious to me, because sometimes my dad randomly talks like this so its just like normal but funnier!!

Ummm.....I think that's the only reason why I decided to blog today.

I have schoolwork to do, but at least it should be a day where I'm not going anywhere.

...and I'm starting to get nervous about this whole college thing b/c it's looking like I'm going to be living at home and commuting 10 hours a week. Yuck. And on top of it all I'm probably going to have to take out student loans and that scares me b/c that's BIG money and I HATE HATE HATE owing money...

Speaking of which I need to swing by Wachovia SOON so that I can deposit my check and give my mom the money I owe her.....


So scared, apprehensive, slightly annoyed, and nervous all in one. and I'm not even done with highschool yet. woopee.

Tibit: I've found I'm more likely to smile in the morning if I was left alone to sleep and wake up when I think I need to get up. So I like how my mom's finally letting me manage my own time. this way, I can be COMPLETELY in charge of my time and energy, and that actually makes me feel good. Becuase I know myself and I know that I will do well. I'm not a slacker, and I know what I need. I even managed to get my shower down to 8 minutes so that I can manage my time and still get a shower in if necessary. So I'm happy about that. :)

Have a great Thursday!!

Wednesday, April 29

For lack of a better Title....

So I ordered my ipod nano this past Friday, and I got it Monday of this week.......looooove it!!!

I can put itunes games on it, I have all of my songs (I bought a 16 GB) and a few videos on there too, it's so cool!!!

The only reason why I'm freaking out about how cool it is is because I've had to deal with a simple ipod shuffle(which only held ONE gig), the Zen brand (which froze on me every time I tried to use it) , and the coby brand (which wouldn't play any of the music that I bought on itunes....and what's the point in BUYING music...if your mp3 player wont even recognise its there?). so I bought an ipod nano b/c I KNEW it would work with my itunes..and I liked working with the shuffle I had before, but the only problem with that was the limited space.

so now I have TONS of space left (like 12 GB) after I put everything I have plus extra stuff I bought......and I'm wondering what I should put on maybe?

That might work.....

Tibit: I've gotten into livelavalive stuff, as they are hilariously random youtubes, and remind me of my random vids I've made in the past....except that I don't cuss in any of my stuff and I haven't spliced any of the stuff either....but if you ignore the bleeping (yes he bleeps it out)(and no it's not in EVERY vid.) it's really quite entertaining....


Thursday, April 23

Morning Slumbers

I believe I've already said that I am a night person, and would rather sleep in come morning. I am trying to think right now, but I'm having a hard time doing so for some reason. I guess it's because I'm not ready to be awake yet. Even though its 10:22....

I should be doing Physics, and I sort of am, just not watching it yet b/c I feel like it I guess.

I'm way behind in Physics. I'm going to be doing schoolwork till July or maybe until I start college. Woopee.

Idk what to want right now in the ways of living. I think I want to live on campus (no hour commute there then back again), but then I need money for that first.

Some things are still confusing to me like how these relationships work when you see one end of it, and then months later its on the complete other end. I guess because I didn't see the middle that it doesnt make sense to me.

Randomizing again today. And babysitting too, but I'm getting paid. :)


Tibit: One of my most constant wishes is to be able to freeze time. Then I'd be able to watch people in an action (I'd have to restart time of course to continue watching) and I'd be able to get my fill of a moment or something to that effect when usually I know it's going to end before I'm ready for it to. Oh well. So goes the life of a mere human. :) :D :P

Tuesday, April 21

I'm baaaaack

So I've not been online in forever and a day, because of that whole Spanish thing I mentioned earlier.

Good news, when I got to SPSU and we talked to the spanish teacher, she didn't even ask me questions in spanish, let alone require me to answer her in spanish. It was a miracle only God could perform!!!

So AI (american idol) is coming up soon (like two minutes) but I wanted to dash off a quick note that I am back in the blogging world and hopefully will not be killing myself with going back to Trig and Physics (though truthfully I think it will seem easy after all of that spanish)...

Talk to all of you later....btw, I got a laptop for my bday!!!! I'm currently typing on it now, and am so happy that I have it!!

tibit: I have such strong cravings for reeses sometimes that I eat peanutbutter and chocolate chips just to get the craving partially taken care of :P

Friday, April 3

Six Flags Rush

So hopefully I'll be going to Six Flags not tomorrow, but next Saturday, and I'm already thinking about everything there.

Like today, I kept getting flashes of different rides at Sixflags....I guess I'm just really excited!

I really have nothing else to say except that everything at SPSU has cleared except for Spanish: I'm supposed to have an interview with the professor around the 20th....not really looking forward to it, since I haven't had a spanish class since Sophomore fun

So I hope everyone has a wonderful Spring Break..... hope to hear from you soon!

Wednesday, April 1

Many little things

First I want to talk about laptops. I really want one, and if I get into SPSU, I'm going to actually need one for school. So I've been going on, doing the "build your system" stuff to see how much it'd cost to get a new laptop, instead of my moms, like we're talking about. I don't want to take hers, I want one of my own. My latest creation was an Inspiron 15 for about $39 a month. That's not too bad, the one before that that I did yesterday was around $66 a month. :)

I also want to mention cookies in a stuff ever!! It's chips ahoy cookies soaked in milk and layered with TONS of coolwhip, and it is amazing! My parents made some for group last night and I was able to have some of the leftover stuff after lunch today. Yummy :)

Note: I'm not a food person, so this little paragraph shows that this stuff is the shizzle :D

Numbah 3: I have been doing some organizing of my time lately, and have come to find that I shall be doing school (Physics and some Calculus) during "summer break". I am also not actually going to have Spring Break this year, and all I can say is I'D BETTER GET INTO SPSU!!!!

So yeah, there's my writing for the day, I hope you're putting this day to a good use and learning something new!

Every time I go to spell "tidbit", I want to spell it "tibit". So that's how I'm going to spell it from now on. From now on, I'm calling it a tibit, instead of a tidbit. :)
Oh, and I don't really like April Fools Day because I am a trusting person, which in turn makes me gullible. The best thing about this day is that it taught me how to laugh at myself when in reality I want to slug someone for messing with my mind.

Happy April Fools!!