Monday, February 16

I missed a day

Soooo, yesterday I never got around to writing anything, thus breaking my pattern of writing once a day.

At least this means I will be writing two days worth of stuff and you guys can be entertained for a little longer.

So I totally just made a weird typo with the head wanted to type longer, and my hands typed long.=er. Amazing, isn't it? lol

I got to have fun yesterday b/c Hannah and Mrs. Jenny invited me to lunch at five guys, I was so excited! I get stoked when people invite me to things, as I don't usually get to anything and I never invite myself to anything. It feels like I'm being rude.

Anywho, after five guys Hannah and I walked around old navy I think, and then we went to Starbucks and talked about random stuff for a while. That was fun. I love having friends :)

Which is funny 'cause Jen French and I were friends (well, we still are I guess, though we're not close anymore), but I consider myself to actually have friends now. Maybe it's because whenever we got together it's so that she could vent. At least that's how it felt for me. I'm sorry if this is gossiping, it's just what's going through my head right now. If you don't want to hear anything more go down 2 paragraphs. :)

With Jen, whenever we got together it felt like it was about her newest drama in her life. Usually about her newest guy or her family, it felt like a continual cycle of drama. I have begun to despise drama because of this over-exposure. Yeah, she did ask me "so how are things with you?" , but it never felt like she really wanted to know, you know? More like she was just being polite and she knew how to continue on a conversation without me getting mad at her. Idk, it just left a bad feeling in my chest, and I'm feeling it right now as I'm talking about it. So we talk every once-in-a-while, but we're definitely moving apart. Which, if I was to be truthful, feels good. I guess I should feel bad about it, but it's almost a relief to know that she's chosen a path I cannot and will not follow down. Frst becuase she's married, second because what she considers to be life and fun are not my ideas of life or fun. We're just not in the same world anymore. And I guess I'm glad we're drifting b/c that helps me understand that I don't have to try anymore. I had to try so hard with her. Try to help her understand, try to not make her mad when it came to guys (she always thought I was stealing her b/fs and flirting with them, I hated that b/c I never conciously was), try to balance understanding with what she was saying and balancing what I understood about the whole situation, trying to understand that she found some things fun that were wrong, trying to stay myself despite who I was becoming when I hung out with her...just trying too much. It was a mess, none-the-less, and I'm relieved that I almost have permission to stop trying.

Alright, I have that out of my system now, I'm sorry for those who read it and didn't want to, but it's your own fault, I did warn you lol

About the sermon this past Sunday, and how there are your button pushers, and those who energize you, it felt weird to say it outloud, but talking on here seems better. If you're reading this at all Brian, you're my energiser. :) I just wanted to let you know that you were the one I thought of when John was talking about those type of people.

Ok so now that I've completely exausted the emotional part of my mind I shall move onto the nonsense part.

And yes, I did look up nonsense on Google in order to make that sentence ridiculously literal. :)

Thanks for reading, and being my precious stalkers!!

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