Monday, February 9

Bored, and a copyist.

Well, since Kara did this, my mom did this, and Brian sort-of did this, I'm going to do it.

Here we go:

  1. I hate, I mean HATE in jingling change in your pocket change...If I have it, and someone wants it, I feel like I'm getting the better side of the deal.
  2. I love to see plays/musicals. I grew up going to them once a year at Christmas, and I guess it stuck.
  3. I also love amusement parks. They are the fav. If you gave me a week with nothing but amusement parks I'd be the happiest kid alive. No joke.
  4. I dislike fish to a great extent. They are useless, and should only be used as food for other animals. They are the world's greatest moochers.
  5. I tend to write/express my emotions as if I'm an extremist, but I find it irritating when someone does the same. I'm such a hypocrite.
  6. I like to randomly organize things. I used to organize the white label sheets at church by the amount of labels on each sheet, least to greatest with least on top so that whoever was using them would use up a sheet before they started another one.
  7. If you didn't notice from the last one, I also don't like wastefulness. It bugs me.
  8. I apologize alot. Well, I used to apologize alot, then people started to get mad at me for apologizing, then I apologized some more, so I realized that to stop that cycle was to stop. I haven't completely, but it's toned down more.
  9. I see letters and numbers in color. This is called Synaesthesia. This is the only thing about me that makes me feel special.
  10. I am an auditory learner, except when it comes to directions. I am horrible at directions. If you can give me a land mark to look for, then maybe the directions will work. If you don't, however, be prepared to find me a map.
  11. I've already gotten pulled over once since I got my license. I didn't get a ticket, but it freaked the heck out of me for like three days straight. Never get pulled over.
  12. Now whenever I drive I have people passing me because said pull-over has made me jumpy and I go too slow.
  13. When David Isbell first came to our church, I had to meet him twice in a row because one night I wore my glasses, and the night after I put my contacts in. He wasn't very happy that I'd fooled him, and that started our friendship. :)
  14. Last summer was the best summer I've ever had in my entire life. I'm sure I'll never be able to top that summer. I met too many people, laughed too much, and had too much random fun for that stuff to be topped.
  15. I like Kangaroos and Seahorses for the same reasons: they both have a really cool pouch attacted to their front. I think I wanted to have one once. I guess that's what started my containers fad.
  16. This is a really long list, and I wasn't expecting it to go this long. At least I'm not bored anymore.
  17. My favorite dog is a Burnese Mountain Dog. I was able to take care of one this past fall, and I was so syked as I had never been near one before. They're really expensive dogs. If you don't know what they look like go here:
  18. This number is my favorite. It also happens to be orange in my mind. Sorry Kara. :P
  19. I really dislike snakes and jumping insects. Both scare me. Grasshoppers make me jump, but they're ok. Jumping spiders have made me scream before. Outloud.
  20. I sometimes feel one-upped by my sisters and it really used to bother me when I was younger. When they surpassed me in something I would give it up. That's why I don't have any hobbies anymore. My sisters got better than me at them and I gave up. It doesn't bother me anymore, unless someone asks me what hobbies I have, and then I'm reminded of why I have none.
  21. I prefer star shaped things to heart shaped things. I don't know why.
  22. I have one certain backpack that I bring with me whenever I sleep over at someone else's house. I don't think I've used anything else since I got it when I was 6 or so.
  23. I don't really like my last name, but I wish it would stay in our family just because it's dying out. The line from Paul Perkins (my dad's dad) has dead ended with all girls. It's a shame.
  24. I love maps and floor plans. I can be entertained by putting me in some random place with a map (or even without one) and letting me roam.
  25. I am almost sad ending this. I guess I actually do like talking about myself now. It's strange how much people change in a few years time.

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