Monday, February 9


So I've had braces for almost a year now... It'll be a year this may I believe.

And I've had two difficulties so far with my brackets coming off my teeth, thus creating a loose wire. The first bracket that came off, I swallowed. It was on my top left back molar, and they just clipped off the wire and let me on my way.

Now, I have a bottom right back molar bracket that has come loose, and I haven't swallowed it. I wonder what they'll do. Tomorrow, I have an appointment at Dr. Jernigan's office (my orthodontist, and the best one EVER), and I'm wondering if they'll try to glue this one back on, or if they'll just clip it off like the last one.

I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork right now, but as I just got out of the shower, my mind has too much stuff in it bouncing around, that I needed to just write before I got started on Trig. or American Govt..

On the subject of flowers: I have never really had a favorite flower, though that sounds weird to me, because my mom is a flower person and she has always known stuff about gardens and such and I should think that I might have a favorite by now. My mom's involvement with flowers/gardens have always reminded me of my dad's involvement with cars.

On the topic of computers: I want my own so badly! I'm starting to not care if it's a laptop, a really old one, or a flat screen....I just want my own! Of course, that's not going to happen for many-a-year now, as money is tight, but I can always hope on here, can't I? :)

On the point of new rooms: My new room is coming along, though not as fast as I would want it. It takes forever to paint primer on walls. You get all high (my dad calls it a low) off the primer and your head starts to swim, so you leave the room and once your arms have stopped aching you don't want to go back into the room, thus making the process slower. Very irritating cycle.

For the discussion of hilarious mistakes: The other day a friend of mine had an argument (well, more of a discussion) with my sister about the spelling of a certain word, as he wanted to see if she could spell it correctly. He, of course, had taken the natural course and had looked up the word on Google. This, however, was a mistake. Google tends to allow you to write incorrect wordings and act as if you are, in fact, correct. Evil Google. Once my sister had spelled the word (correctly, if I might add), he then protested that that spelling was incorrect, as he had looked it up the day before on said Google. We protested with him that she was right, and he proceeded to look up the word on on his phone. is a much more reliable source when it comes to spelling mistakes, and, as my friend abruptly found out, more superior than Google. That was indeed a funny exchange. :)

I wonder if I should put up videos? Brian intrigued me with his 25 things vid., but I shall resist temptation and not do the same.

However, my sisters and I have made quite strange vids, and I wonder if anyone would like to see what we're like late at night together....when we're getting along, that is. I think I shall make a poll.

Have a good monday!

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