Thursday, February 5

Too Rambletastic to Title

Alrighty, so I've been sick for the past four days...yummy.

For some reason, the main thing that messes me up when I'm sick is my lungs. I've had bronchitis more than once, and I think I had pneumonia when I was a child. My lungs just grab onto the sickness and runs with it. Yuck.

Ha, I just used a positive and a negative in a few sentences..and they're describing the same thing.

The funny thing about my blogging is that I blog just to push thoughts out of my mind just to vent.

Brian, however, blogs and has something interesting to say...EVERY TIME. Why? Why can't I sound smart like him? ...

Of course, I blog way more than him, so I just fill up everything with words that really have no meaning.

And, I only write to vent in the first place, never to really inform. So I guess that makes sense. I just wish I could sound intelligent every once-in-a-while. :P

It's funny how I write with each sentence making their own paragraph. It just feels like there's more space between each thought. I like space.

Speaking of space, I don't spend enough time under the stars. I love just being outside and looking at the stars. I don't think I'd like city-life very much, because you'd lose sight of the stars with all those lights everywhere.

Despite that problem though, I like to go to cities every once in a while....maybe its just a change of scenery.

Did you know that wealth is relative? If you think about it, the person you think is wealthy, or rich, or just well-off, might not think themselves that way. They might consider someone else to be better-off than them.

But of course, those who might actually read this rambling stuff probably already realize this. That's because all my friends are smart. And this stuff is just for taking up time and space.

Did you know that I am a packrat?

I collect office supplies. Well, more like I take more joy in obtaining office supplies than natural. Haha.

I also collect glass bottles and other containers.

I collect shoe boxes too.

I have a box of notebooks, a box of cool containers, a box of pens, a container of paperclips, a container of small tape dispensers, and a tiny stapler or two.

I also have a box of pringles containers...but that's another story. :)

I have a clutter/packrat room, and I'm wondering how I'm going to arrange all of my stuff in my new room.

Speaking of my new room, it's coming to the point that I need to start painting it again. I have the job of applying primer to the walls. I'm not done with this job, as I got sick on Monday.

I'm actually kind of excited in getting a new room.

I have a thing (I have lots of things) about rearranging myself. More like rearranging my room. When I get this urge, I usually rearrange my room and move my bed, and do weird things with the space I have in my room. Unfortunately, my room is probably in the best arrangement that is possible, as I have a limited space. I've done everything else I can with my bed. It's been facing my door, against a wall, across my room, and right now its perpendicular with my door. I have no idea how to arrange it so as to differ from what I've already done.

So...I'm excited to get a new room that I can organize my stuff in. it's time for me to get to schoolwork....yuck


  1. Oh My! Where to start?!?!
    I will just do it in chronological order by your post.
    Okay: Here we go.
    I am sorry that you are sick. That isn't fun...
    Thank You for the comment, I never knew that my blogs were interesting but I'll take it.
    This is not taking up time nor space because these posts are quite entertaining.
    And now on to the packrat issue.. hmm. Not Good. Nope. But.. it seems as though you have quite the collection of office supplies; Have you thought of becoming a personal assistant, writer, journalist, or you could be gutsy and become a manager/owner of an office supply store??? IDK.
    I love redoing my room... It is always fun. Change is good!

  2. Actually, I have once considered being a personal assistant...but for some reason I gave it up lol

    Alright, correction, your blogs are amazing. They just follow along to the mind of the creator. :)

    Thanks so much. I didn't know I needed cheering up till I read your comment!


Complaints, comments, requests, and advice, I take them all: