Friday, May 1

An emotional ache

So today I have this weird aching feeling in my emotion department, which is not good, and I don't know what the cause is, which means I don't know how to get rid of it.

Putting it into smaller phrasing: I feel icky.

Today we (my mom, D, and I) went to Northpoint and that was nice. But that's when the achey feeling started.

I love this site:

'Tis the bestest to play with and try your hand at quality stuff. It's also free :) It's almost like a free photoshop, but not exactly.

So this achey feeling is mostly when I stop DOING and start thinking. It's not like a headache, 'cause it's not in my head. It's more like heartache, but as it's not certain what a heartache feels like, I'm not certain it IS heartache.

I just feel like sighing all the time and doing nothing at all constructive. Ready for summer? Idk, but I know I'd want to be doing nothing with someone. But I don't know who.

This is such a sad feeling (I would say annoying, but it doesn't feel like I have enough energy to be annoyed). I want to curl up in a ball and just lay on my side till it goes away.

Made this on
You should really try it.


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