Tuesday, May 5


Had a tour of SPSU with my mom, which was kinda fun, b/c I got to see more of the campus without looking like a strange girl lost :P

The funny thing was that I was the only girl in the group, but that's how it's going to be there...the ratio at SPSU is 70 guys to 30 girls :P Which isn't too bad, considering I thought it was more like 80-20, but it's still a majority, and of that majority it's mainly Asians and African Americans, so I'm in the MINORITY minority haha. Oh and I'm also going into Mechatronics, which even LESS girls go into that so I'm minority minority minority....and one for good measure....minority lol

Anywho, it's all good, just thought I'd share that little bit.

tibit: I'm listneing to The Orphan by Newsboys
tibit 2: my nails are getting long.
tibit 3: I need a haircut
tibit 4: I'm almost done being sick and im hungry
tibit 5: I miss my people.

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