Tuesday, March 3

Rubber Bands

Today I went to my orthodontist appt., and got a new heavier wire + rubber bands on each side of my mouth. I can open my mouth and it'll just hang there only about a finger width wide. Fun fun.

But the good side of this is, that if all goes well, I'll get my braces off before I go to college!!! Yay!! That is very good news for me, as the one year mark is this April, and I wanted them off before the two year mark. :)

Oh, and whenever I open my mouth, it feels like I have fangs on either side b/c of the rubber bands....I've been feeling like a snake..... hisssssssssss :P

I have babysitting again today, though my usual days are Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00-6:00 pm. Today Mrs. Bridgett has an appt. of some sort and needs me from 3:45-whenever someone gets home. Which should be shortly after, as there are some things happening tomorrow that require prep. for their family. So It'll be a relatively short day today via babysitting, but today is Natalie's Birthday!!!! She's now 12, and I hope she'll write about her party this weekend in her blog. :)

I need to get to schoolwork, as I have a ton of Physics to do, but thankfully I have 4 hours or so to do it.

Have a beautimous Tuesday!!!!

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