Tuesday, March 24

Little Bits of Me

I've decided to post little bits of me every time I post a new entry on my blog at the bottom of my posts.

I have no idea why I've decided on this, maybe for God to show me I'm unique...I am not sure.

So I'm following a spontaneity, and going with it, one of the things I don't do in my life pretty much at all. (this isn't the tibit lol)

So today I actually blow dried my hair and straightened it out, and it looks like it should. I keep forgetting that I've changed over the years and that God has blessed me with good looks, I have to keep reminding myself that.

I think I'm picking up D @ Timothy Ministries, but I need to check with my mom.

I'm supposed to be doing school right now, but I'm feeling kinda listless again, so I'm procrastinating.

I really really really want to know if I've made it into S. Poly. I'm almost aching with it.

But I'm also aching with somthing else so maybe I just really want to know and I'm in reality aching for the other thing. Which I will not share. It's in my personal journal, not to see daylight by the public. :)

Tibit: I like to listen to the Rap/R&B stations like 95.5 and (I guess) 94.1

Jen got me into it, and taught me to dance by those beats. I don't like to actually listen to the lyrics though, they're usually in the yuck section of my brain.

May you find a Piece of God's Happiness Today.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree that kinda of subconcious influence is definitely a yuck... I used to listen to 94.1 all of the time... but I found that it was dragging me away from God...


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