Thursday, March 26

Words in a sequence mean nothing to me...

Just random words/phrases today, my mind is cluttered, yet not able to fully connect, as I did babysitting this morning starting when I usually wake up. I'm not up for this...How do single mom's do it!?!?!

Flitter, glitter, glutter, glut, gutter, mutter, moot, dictionary search, hope, cause, life, acceptance, leaf, leaves, blowing, out, over the rainbow, four score and seven years ago our for (?) fathers brought fourth upon this continent a new nation, california, itsy bitsy spider, baby bop, too much, explode, universal, purple, unchanging, fruit loop, leggo my eggo, constantinople!!!!

This is the end of my little tirade (or just randomness, whichever you prefer).

Tidbit: I have a hard time making decisions because I automatically "plug" myself into the person's mindset(the one who asked me to make the decision) to find what they would enjoy/prefer etc., without thinking and not because I wish to please but because what they think matters more to me than what I think/want.

I'm not sure if that's a confession or a tidbit, but there you go...


1 comment:

  1. I liked that tidbit... I love your personality and that kind of gets me into the mind of Lauren Perkins :) :P :D


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