Friday, November 14


College... a word that means change.

For some, it means a chance to get out of the environment they've just about had enough with, and can't wait to leave.

For others, its a chance that scares them to death and they don't want to take.

For me, it means a mixture of things. For one, I like to move on. I like to find new things and explore possibilities. Getting away from the life I feel is monotonous won't hurt either. On the other hand, I'm not necessarily one who embraces surprises. And this upcoming year of college is not necessarily territory I've explored before.

So, in one way, I'm looking forward to some change in my life. In another way, I wish the change was something I knew I could deal with, like moving to another state. That I've done enough to know what to do. For this upcoming year, I'm afraid of floundering so hard I hurt myself. And that's most likely to happen.

Off of that deeply creepy (and upcoming) subject, I have received 427 college emails. Yes, I saved them all and they are sitting in their own folder where I can wonder at the silliness of it all. I also find it so funny how those mailers you get about a college saying how much you would fit into this college, how accomplished you are, blah blah blah...they are sent by the masses. I used to work for a business that sent out mailers like that. I had the job of pasting someone's name into certain spots, and adding the date I they were finished. Wow, very personal.

Anywho, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'm going to go check on random things that have no deep meaning.


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