Friday, October 12

Time with people

I know I need to get things done, such as a whole chapter for exp. psych, my entire assignment for IET, more work for my GUI assignment, and photoshop work for Jeffery....but all I want to do is be with my people again and just chill.

It's hard to get motivated, I'm such a procrastinator. If I don't force myself to do work, I just wait till it cannot be avoided anymore and I risk turning in work late.

Worst case scenario:

  • Chapter 11 due by 3:00 Monday -- completed Monday morning, work very quickly to accomplish.
  • IET work due by Thursday -- Completed Tuesday, Wednesday Morning, or Thursday Morning; can only be done on laptop with Quicktime.
  • GUI assignment due Monday at 8:30pm -- Finish Monday Between Classes
  • Photoshop work can only be done at home on prod laptop, or on laptop between classes, if I can force myself to bring it to classes. 
 I cannot get to the point of completing the day of it being due....

I need to work on, in the order of:

  1. Ch. 11
  2. GUI
  3. IET
  4. Photoshop
Gah this usually works to motivating me to work on it....but Monday seems so far away on Friday night, before being with anyone.

Maybe I can do better at motivating myself in the morning.....

This is the worst post ever. I hope my life gets more exciting once I graduate and have real work to do......right now its just battling motivations to do hmk...thank goodness that it is a rare thing to bring work home in a regular 9-5 job. That is so much harder than getting work done at the place of assignment and turn-in.

Especially when you have to work on a team.....I can organize, do my part, and communicate. Hmk is not necessary.


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