Monday, February 8

My Dr. Who Phase

So I guess I've been going on and on about Dr. Who for the past few weeks now, and I've come to realize I've passed the obsession point.

This happened to me about Heroes a little while back, and I got over that, so I'm hoping this one goes away.

The problems with being completely obsessed with Dr. Who:

  1. I talk about anything else on Facebook, so I must be driving my friends nuts
  2. I can't stop thinking about it, and so I dream about it
  3. The ending of the 4th season was sad, and I already feel kind of sad at the moment, and so it's just increasing the sadness. On top of that, I tried watching a Heroes episode to get the Dr. Who stuff out of my head, and the ending for THAT was sad as well, so now I have sadness in three-fold. Fail
Also, if I watch episodes of one particular show all of the time, I become attached to certain characters, and they usually are the lead male roles. Which is quite unhealthy,  makes me rather lonely, and causes me to "fantasize" I suppose it could be called about the lead roles. And guess what....they're usually around the age of 30!!!! So it's a double fail.

Hopefully I got that out of my system.

Why am I so lonely?

1 comment:

  1. I TRIED to comment the other day. But it wasn't working and I got frustrated.

    But I think it's pretty normal. Well, I so the same at least you're not the only one? haha

    I usually just try to distract myself with something new. hah

    Love you!

    And don't feel lonely! :)


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