Wednesday, October 29

My First Ramble

So here I am, about to try blogging again.

I tried it about 3-4 years ago on Xanga, and that didn't work out, but since this seems to be a common form of communication now, I'm going to give it a shot again.

So my dad reads blogs, people discuss things on blogs, and I am trying now to write a blog.

Maybe I should stop trying and just write hmm?

Well right now I'm not in my own home, I'm procrastinating on schoolwork, and I have to water someone else's deck plants and take care of someone else's kid in a few hours.

Also, I haven't taken a shower, I've only eaten a banana, and I want to go back to bed.

I've always wondered if the urge to stay in bed is because I'm tired or I'm lazy, or if it's just because I'm a teenager. I don't think it's simply the latter. It might be all three.

I had a dream last night about being in something that surmounted into a gang. If a dream-analyzer person was to take that dream apart, I wonder what it would mean. I've always wondered what my dreams meant. I suppose most of them would be boiled down into that I'm lonely or something to that effect. Figures.

You know I could go on and on talking about nothing, but I have to get responsible and do what I'm expected to be doing. Not only that but my mom's going to call soon and I have to tell her I've at least done something that amounts to productiveness.

The word productiveness reminds me of the word producing, which reminds me of production at church, which reminds me I missed out on take-down last week. Most people hate that time of day, but personally I really enjoy feeling like I'm doing something helpful. Having friends that do take-down makes it even better.

Anyways, away I go to take the helm and steer myself back on course. I have a book to read too....


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