A postulation table.
- Fully interactive touch screen, slightly lower than a dining table for reach ability and sit-ability.
- Microphones every three feet, with noise canceling capabilities.
- The option to activate or deactivate microphones for flexibility of receiving instruction.
- Different modes of interaction, such as a bubble chart, branch-off ideas, color coding ideas, etc.
This tool could allow brainstorming to take place as a group and receive all the separate ideas coming from all sides for further analysis and use after the postulation from multiple entities took place.
The people brainstorming, after throwing out ideas, could interact with their ideas and mix and match them on the interactive touch table, creating diagrams, mind maps, etc, without having to type or write anything down at all.
Maybe there could be a transfer option to mobile devices for further pursuance?
This of course is a futuristic tool, for I don't believe the microphone capabilities (talk to text) are sensitive enough to take on all different types of speaking from multiple angles at once and still obtain precise information. Also, I am not sure of the ability of the noise-canceling microphones who can grab only the closest speakers words without garbling them or mixing them with someone else's ideas.
None-the-less, I think it could help cut out the time it takes to type or write anything by hand and having to use further tools to mess around with the ideas on a small screen.
Anyways, happy ideas thursday.
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