Wednesday, August 19

Updation -- is that even a word?

Strangely, yes, it is a word...and I have proof:

Main Entry: updation
Part of Speech: n
Definition: updating; the act or process of bringing up-to-date
Usage: informal


How weird can you get?

Well I decided I'm going to be typing in a different format today, just to shake things up a bit.

College starts soon (5days), and I'm slightly nervous about it, as I have NO idea what I've gotten myself into, focusing mainly on sciences (which are NOT my specialty, but I wanted to use college to stretch myself, so here we go....) and having a graphic design class that has to do with drawing. Which I am not good at either.

Oh dearie.

But, if it works out as planned, I'll be taking my mind to a different level and will hopefully get the jist of all of the classes...and thankfully my CHEM classes are split up three ways...not including my CHEM lab. Which I think I shall eventually enjoy, once I get past memorizing all sorts of stuff that I may or may not use.

Moving onto another topic (which is why I've changed formats, isn't this fun?), my room is moving along, and I was trying to upload a few pictures to show ppls what the bed looks like, but my phone refuses to be recognized by my computer, so I'll try later with a real camera.

My desk should be done by next week today, so It'll be after I start school, but not too far after.

My bathroom is going to get shelves with some customization that will hopefully hold my hairdryer and flat iron instead of them laying on wire shelving and getting tangled up.

Soon I should also have a hand rail down my wall, and all of the bare wood stained to mostly match my floor, yay!

Still nothing on the matters of a bedside table, chairs, nor something to permanently put my laptop on (I want it to be a separate rolling platform that I can move around my room or put next to my desk without having to pick it up. It's freakishly heavy.), so yeah, moving right along.

Finishing up this post I wanted to talk about my weight. It's getting weird. I gained 4 lbs in a week. The weirdest part is before this strange occurance I was unable to gain that amount of weight in 3 years, let alone 1 week. So weird.

At first I thought the scale was messed up somehow, 'cause yesterday I was 117. But I checked my weight at the house I babysit in and I was 117.6 there. So I guess it was ok. BUT THEN, I checked my weight shortly after eating this morning and lo and behold......119.....I've never SEEN that weight on the scale before.

My mom says it's a good thing, that I finally look healthy, but I'm scared my 'miracle matabolism' has gone bye bye and ill continue gaining weight overnight till I burst.

Of course, this will never happen..ill just simply stretch and stretch and stretch........till I cant see my feet. Oh joy.

I hope my mom's right and I dont continue to gain weight at this rate and simply level out at 120....which is supposedly the healthy weight for me......Idk, I'm just tyring to figure out how to stop it if I have to.

Over and out!


  1. if you stop eating that should solve it. but then you will die. so i would rather you be alive and fat then dead. so eat till your heart is content! :D

  2. HI!

    Um, I am slightly jealous of the fact that you've never seen 119lbs on the scale. BUT THAT'S OK. That's ok. :)

    And by the way, I've been reading your blog long before I knew you. Hah. :D

  3. Thanks guys lol



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