Friday, February 6


So I've already written today in one of my notebooks (my mind was wandering as I was doing my Trig. ) and because of this occurrence, this post is going to be smaller than usual.

By explosion, I mean the people who have suddenly decided to get a blog....First it was Brian, then me, then Gnat, then Kara, now D....and I don't think it's going to stop there.

This is fun though, having friends make blogs...I get to read into someone's life/mind everyday without asking the creepy question: "What're you thinking?"

Yes, my friends, I am a stalker, I do want to ask you those questions, and I am intensely interested in how your mind works. Despite this, however, I have been taught proper manners and you shall never hear me talk of this again, in person or otherwise...capisci (kapeesh)?

Totally of on a ramble, did you know that was the correct way to spell "kapeesh"? It's Italian, and I had to look it up to spell it correctly. I had no idea it was spelled capisci. Now I do. and so do you. :)

I have a cat attached to my arm, as he is a very loving cat unless he wants to bite you. Yes, he bites. This, my friends, is Winston...

He may look evil in this picture...but hes just not photogenic. And he loves boxes.

The dude is 14 I believe, and has been with our family since California.

Oh, and he has about four different of which cheated on him while she was still living with us with our other cat, Roman. The other three are humans, and have moved on from each of their brief relationships with Winston.

Dramatic...isn't it?

Truthfully, I'm trying to figure what else to write, as I'm done with my Trig. now, and I'm sure there's something.....

Ah yes! My pictures! I have TONS of pictures from many parts of my life. My family, I think, is obsessed with the camera. I can show you a picture of my 12th bday...or of my family's last camping trip....or I can show you that picture I was talking about in my last blog (see too rambletastic to title) about the pringles containers. They're the small plastic containers that would fit into a lunchbox. I collected them during 8th grade I think....heres a picture of most of them in a tower:
I remember I took that the day before I went to Bigstuf for the first time....I guess I was so bored/anxious to go to Bigstuf I did something with my hands....that's usually what I do when I get in that mood.

I guess I've shared enough for today. I hope you all had a great Friday!


Complaints, comments, requests, and advice, I take them all: