It is one of my less God-focused favorites of this world.
I don't consider God someone who needs improv, since he already knows whats going on, and he's the one who puts everything into motion.
Improv, to me, is when you take things as they come, and make it clever. It ALWAYS makes me smile.
Though clever things in general make me smile. :)
Adaptation is also clever....but it seems more as a useful thing then improv.....but they are pretty much alike.
I dont know why I decided to write this, it just felt like the right time to write.
School starts again in two days. I hope things will go well.
Sometimes I wonder what it would've been like to live on a nice campus instead of stay at home and go to SPSU.
But it's in motion, and unless God chooses to show me opportunity, I'm going to believe I need to be at SPSU.
Just hearing about my friends moving into their new spaces makes me feel sorta "left out"...I guess thats what that is...
But I love living at home. I think I'd miss my mom mostly.
As usual, I'm such a sporadic writer.
Rabbit Trails.
I dont know what I want.
I'm just reacting. Not acting.
But I'm not an active person. So I guess that's to be expected.
How come I know all of these lyrics (about 680 songs) and yet I cannot remember simple facts that are required in classes?
The mind is amazing, yet so frustrating sometimes....
I wonder what this Orientation to psych will be like.
Is that even a word?
Adjective: Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated. More » - - Merriam-Webster - The Free Dictionary
Yes. Yes it is.