Monday, March 22

Writing on everything

You know those kids that drive you nuts, and once they get into the writing materials, all hell breaks loose? They write on the couch, the table, the walls; anything they can get their little hands on.

Well I'm one of those kids. I LOVE to write on surfaces that aren't originally intended to be written on.

But I have this little thing called discernment which keeps me from being a total terror and writing on something that shouldn't...and it being permanent.

My latest and greatest wish is to be able to write on my long-length mirror and use it for notes. The problem is that I don't have any nice writing materials that will allow me to do so and the result to not be permanent words on my face.

So my newest quest is to find something that will nicely go on and nicely come off of a mirrored surface. :)

Thanks for randomly reading!


Friday, March 19

Holding Hands

I've always kind of been adverse to holding hands.

I don't know why it creeps me out, but it does.

It might have to do with a point in my life that I don't care to think about in which everything was confusing, and he tried to hold my hand....or something. I'm not really sure what really went on....I just know I get a creepy feeling when I think about hand-holding.

I had a sudden urge to write about it (since I can't seem to get much farther on my paper) and so, of course, I did.

...Is it further or farther?

I'm sort of out of it today, I still haven't taken a shower, I have this paper that will be due on Tuesday, and I'm pretty sad that I can't go outside and just enjoy the weather.

No fun.

I'm so confused.

My head's all in a muddle.

Oh, and my mom is sick so I am trying not to overwhelm her by bringing my problems to her and talking ti out like I usually do.

I've had time to work on this paper, and I have...but I never tried to write things out like I should have and I didn't do much book research like I should have as well....


Darn this weather....its so pretty....but I get overheated so easily!

Over and Out.


Tuesday, March 16

Oh the Years Ago...

I write so darn much.

I've been going through my old files that I've kept for years, and it just makes me grin at how much I've written through the many seasons of my life.

I have so many different files containing things I've saved, things I've written, and things I considered my secrets.

For example:
Real Words: Philanthropic, Catastrophic, Foreclosure,

My Words: Elixemmy, Jellantrillix, Partholemue, Calitillue, Helpipiphany, Tellimongrel, Crilliematrix, Hellipitifany, Trilliemalligma, Jillimontriall, Fortunapitrilliecalmali,

This I made in 2007 when I was almost 16. Even then I had words floating through my head with no meaning to them what-so-ever.

And then there is Fred:

And putting Fred on here made my formatting go all weird, so be grateful that you got to see Fred.

Over and out


Friday, March 12

The Essence & Confusion

I feel the essences of people.

It's always been a hard thing to explain to others when I've referred to the way I look at the world, but it's how it goes.

I feel the essences of people.

It's not black and white to me....and neither is it shades of grey.

It's colors. Infinite colors.

The best way I can explain this phenomenon is referring to The Shack. To those of you who have read it, I hope you remember the part about Mack seeing the colors streaming from the people on the hillside. And I hope you remember the part about Jesus explaining how interactions between different people make different color combinations.That part in the book make me so excited, and made me hope that the book was areal happening....and why it took me a few weeks to stop feeling so low after I found out it was a complete work of fiction.

Because that is how I view people.

Now I don't literally SEE colors when others are around me.....but I see with a different part of me the essence of the person I am around. One of the reasons why liars infuriate me so much is that they're not letting "their true colors shine." Ever wonder what that phrase really meant? I always did. I wondered if that was just a metaphor, or if how I see the world isn't so strange after all.

I have no idea why I suddenly had to write about this. But I know I've never been able to adequately explain how this thing works for me. I begin to know somebody without knowing them for long periods of time. It's because they've already shown me their essence.

I don't know how it works, but I DO know that the more you surround yourselves with things of this world, the more you look like the world....and you become a face more than an essence. Individuality becomes something you hide....and your colors go with  it.

So to those who happen to read this random piece: don't become the colors of the world...and don't pretend to be colors that you aren't......Because your colors are worth showing. They're always beautiful when they're pure.

And thank you for those of you who show me who YOU are. I love you for that. Your colors are such a joy to see.

I love you.
