Why is there always such a difference to people between the NEW year and the OLD year? Really, it's only just another day. How I wish that people would more often think of time as: the NEW day and the OLD day. People are more often going to try to be better for the new YEAR, than for the new DAY. I find that quite unfortunate, because truly all we have is the day.....no, let me re-phrase that. We have the SECOND or MILLISECOND we are in right now. Not even a second is guaranteed to us.
So why the old year and the new year? It's just a way to mark our passage in history. Why choose to do new year's resolutions, instead of new day resolutions?
Truth be told, sometimes we are moving so fast out of our beds we forget that each day is new. Sometimes it feels only like a continual of yesterday's work/problems/insecurities.
But if that was true, then why does God give us another one? He's not a cruel God. The mere fact that we are allowed time to realize mistakes speaks to that.
My guess is that we were supposed to take the words "new day" seriously, and use the "old day" ONLY as a lesson. So learn about your old days, and let there be new.
For the Sun rises after giving us our respite, and we have a new day.
(not to be applicable to those places that have almost constant sun, such as Alaska [I have no idea why that came ot mind, but it did. So it is written].)
Funny thing is, I had no idea what to write when I got on here.
And now I do.