Saturday, October 31


So it feels appropriate to blog about today's holiday (I don't think it should be considered a HOLIDAY, unless it's helping me get off of school for the day.... :]) and how I remember it.

You see, I haven't truly participated in the holiday for many a year.

Last year, I was stuck in someone else's house housesitting/dogsitting for them. Which wasn't a problem, I just didnt get to see lots of people that I knew dressed up in my neighborhood, including the girl I still babysit.

Years and years ago, I went out to trick-or-treat while with a cold, and though that was the BEST holloween I've ever had (well maybe except for another one in OR) I ended up getting Bronchitis......bleh.

And the BEST Halloween was in OR at my church. They had a cardboard box maze...and we had to crawl through the entire HUGE structure through the church. It was the BEST :) That was years ago now.

Tonight however, I get to see Macie as Tinkerbell, and might hand out some candy if someone wants me too. I'm not a fan of that, b/c I know that as a kid, you want the most & best when you trick-or-treat. On the other hand, as the passer-outer, you're trying to make sure your limited candy will stay in stock for a pretty good amount of time. So too much or too little is possible. I don't like the "one-candy per house" rule, b/c when I trick-or-treated that's how I determined if I liked these people I didn't know haha

So yeah. I have a limited-idea of Halloween, and not necessarily entirely positive. I've never truly enjoyed the whole dressing up thing, and Natalie LOVES it. She's father time with her time flies this year (lol). She's such an actress...and all I could think of was how much this costume cost in time and money, how much time I was requiring my mom to take out on me, and how often I'd actually use this costume. Which is why for 3 or 4 years straight I was a black cat, and I used the same outfit every year.

I'm so weird......

Happy Halloweeen!!!!

Thursday, October 29


Love it, hate it.

Love it b/c it gives me the ability to see my people during the week, though we're far apart doing different stuff, and be able to see what's going on with them....

Hate it b/c I get to see how many of my friends/people that I'm around are in relationships.


That's all I have to say: Bleh.

Oh and that more and more, now that they're in college, and have time for them.....are IN relationships....which emphasizes the loneliness factor that I've been feeling lately.

Ok, leaving the depressing factor of this blog......


It's greatly possible that I can get the EXACT schedule that I want for the Spring when I register tomorrow at 6, even though the classes have been open for register SINCE MONDAY.

I know this b/c I've checked and hardly anyone has registered for the classes I the most 9 out of 45 people have registered...and that's for Art appreciation..........



So passing past that point of confusing emotions that make me want to sleep till it goes away.....

Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, October 27


Ok, so not so amazing but I GOT A 90 ON MY LAST CHEM EXAM!!!!! WOOT

Which means that if I don't entirely screw up the rest of the semester, that I SHOULD pass this class.....WOOT

So yeah. That's happy news. :)

Monday, October 26

Comp lab engl classroom

Sitting in Comp. Lab for English.

Nothing to do for another 15 minutes. Class starts then.

I think I get to class half an hour early because then I'm not stressed if I'm going to make it to class. But 30 min is a tad ridiculous...except for my first classes...where I might need those 30 min if I'm in traffic.

I leave home at 8:30 on mon, wed, and friday...and leave at 8:00 on tues, thurs. this is because I count backwards an hour from half an hour before class starts. For example....mon wed fri I have EDG, which starts at 10. which means 30 min before is 9:30.....and an hour before is 8:30.....the same goes for tues thurs, b/c Chem starts at 9:30.

But during the day, since I don't leave campus until my day is done.....getting to class 1/2 an hour early might be a tad over-acheiving.

But if I didn't do it I couldn't do stuff like this.

Well I haven't written in this thing in quite a while. My reasons are the same as the rest who stop writing in their blogs. I didn't think many would miss me if I left off. And, of course, I've been busy.

Busy trying to pass Chemistry this year (the 3,000 dollar class...), busy balancing classes and stress-levels, busy balancing being lonely, yet still trying to be careful who and how I invest mtyself into strangers.

A few minutes till class, and no email saying that it's cancelled. I hope we get our scores back from our first essay & other stuff today.

I have to re-write my Pre-Calc homewrok, as I did it on Wednesday on the paper that he gave the homework on...and he doesn't like getting that back.

After this class it is the 3 hr 15 min break till the 1/2 hr before Pre-calc class.

6 more minutes till class starts...she doesn't tend to get here till at least a min before....if not right on time.

5 min.

What else can I talk about?

Oh yeah, props to Katie Shamblin for telling me to blog again. I wouldn't have thought of taking up my time this way if it wasn't for her.


Yesterday was good I suppose. Didn't get to hang with certain people that I wanted to enough (or at all) though.

4 min.

More people streaming into I'd better wrap it up.

Hopefully I'll get around to blogging more often, though I can't promise it.
